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After two decades of dedicated teaching and mentorship at Fielding Graduate University, Dr. Ray Hawkins, Ph.D., is retiring, leaving behind a legacy of profound impact on both students and alums. Having educated generations of clinical psychologists in Texas, Dr. Hawkins has been a pillar of the Clinical Psychology program, known for his unwavering support, wisdom, and calm demeanor. His influence has been so significant that countless alums have come forward to share heartfelt testimonials, celebrating not only his contributions to their professional development but also the lasting personal connections he fostered. Dr. Hawkins’ retirement marks the end of an era, but his teachings and the bonds he created will continue to inspire the Fielding community for years to come.

In August, students from the Professional Development Seminar, fondly known as the Hawk’s Nest, which Dr. Hawkins led for decades, organized a heartfelt retirement celebration for their beloved mentor. Tamara Duke, student leader for the Hawk’s Nest PDS, masterfully led the effort. Many students, alums, and colleagues also shared personal testimonials in tribute to Dr. Hawkins’ lasting impact.

Dr. Hawkins is a long-standing, active member of TPA (Texas Psychological Association) who presents regularly as a speaker but also as part of teams of student poster presentations. He has taught, mentored, and advised students for many years. Since 1975, he has conducted clinical health psychology research as a faculty member of the Psychology Dept. at The University of Texas at Austin (now an adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor); and since 2004 as a Core Faculty member in the Clinical Psychology Program at Fielding Graduate University. That is where I met Dr. Hawkins. He was my faculty advisor and head of the Austin Professional Development Seminar group which was a required part of my program. He chaired my dissertation committee and mentored me in all areas of psychology. I also was privileged to have him as a professor in specific classes. Dr. Hawkins is a warm, enthusiastic educator who always goes the extra mile for his students. If I had a question about a project, all I had to do was send an email and he always responded immediately with wisdom, guidance, and a sense of calm.  The Ph.D. process can be very stressful, but Dr. Hawkins doesn’t stress. He is the epitome of calm. His peaceful, caring presence transcends the chaos of deadlines, committee delays, and student angst. I have had many classes over the years and am fortunate to have worked with excellent educators. No one, however, can hold a candle to Dr. Hawkins. There are the best, then there is the best of the best: Dr. Raymond Hawkins.

Kimberly “Kymn” Harrison, Ph.D., PSY’15
Clinical Psychologist
The Conative Group, founder

Before I came to Fielding Graduate University, I was a student in a major public university’s doctoral program for counseling psychology. That program was not a fit for me, and I wanted to leave to look for a new program at the end of the first semester. When I left that program with a 4.0, I hardly knew my advisor, and it was difficult to track him down so that I could quit that program. I found Fielding and thought it might be a better fit for me. Before I was even accepted to the program, I had spent more time with Dr. Hawkins than I had all semester with my advisor in the other program. Dr. Hawkins was an amazing mentor who devoted his time to countless students over the years. He promoted critical thinking and growth in his students like no professor I’ve ever come in contact with!

Natalie Montfort, Ph.D., PSY’15
Clinical Psychologist
Montfort Psychology Associates, PLLC

I first met Ray in 2006, prior to enrolling in my Ph.D. program. The first meeting went a full hour over the time we had scheduled. Yes, we talked about the graduate program where he taught, but we also talked about so much more.

I walked away from our first meeting thinking that if the majority of the professors at Fielding were half as passionate about students, learning, and psychology, I had to apply to Fielding.  I had decided that day that I wanted to be a part of Ray’s cohort.  I knew that we connected, but I didn’t know how this experience would change my life.  Over the ensuing years, I have watched Ray invest so much of himself into teaching, mentoring, and research.  Ray was always pouring over the latest articles and bringing them into meetings. When he provided feedback on assignments, it was clear he cared. The detail and quality of feedback was some of the best I ever received – and this was with every student.  He was always willing to brainstorm with students about research possibilities and over time, even developed a practice research network, creating opportunities for his students to bridge the gap between research and clinical work – integration is at this core. As a professor, he worked tirelessly to foster curiosity and critical thinking in his students – his feedback mirrored what he asked of us.  I will treasure the (literally) thousands of hours that we have spent talking, reflecting, laughing, and connecting over the years… I could go on ad nauseum about how much I (and many others) have been impacted by Ray, but I will just say this: I am proud to call Ray a mentor and a friend.  Because of everything he taught me I am not only a better psychologist, I am a better person.

Jason H. Boothe, Ph.D., PSY’16
Associate Director, Counseling and Mental Health Center
Director of Clinical Services
University of Houston-Clear Lake

Pioneer. Trailblazer. Mentor. Advocate. Mindful. Encouraging. Wise. Fair. Transformative. Role model. These are just a few words that describe Dr. Ray Hawkins. To put it simply, Dr. Ray Hawkins is the best professor and faculty advisor that one could pray and hope for, truly. His legacy spans many states and hundreds of students who affectionately have come to be known as his “Hawklings.” Dr. Ray Hawkins embraced me as an individual, my personal vision for my career and journey as a psychologist, and provided the right balance of motivation, challenge, and guidance. As the son of immigrants and the first to attend and complete college in my family, beginning a doctoral program was not only a far-fetched idea but something that appeared to be unattainable. He made the impossible seem very possible and was a very present, active, and challenging mentor throughout my doctoral journey. As many students can attest, he has always been accessible and is known to often sacrifice his own personal time to attend to his passion… his students. The field of psychology needs more Ray Hawkins and academia will be strongly at a loss with his retirement.

Andres Tapia, Ph.D., LPC-S, PSY’16
Licensed Psychologist
Director of The Center for Optimal Brain Health, Houston, TX
Adjunct Professor, Springfield College Houston

Ray has set the standard for a scholar-practitioner and trained an entire generation of future psychologists. His commitment to his students is unrivaled. When on my way from Houston to Austin to attend a group meeting with Dr. Hawkins, my motorcycle tire blew out a few miles outside of Austin. Ray personally picked me and my wife up in his old Mercedes, drove us to a shop to purchase a replacement and then took us to the meeting while the new tire was put on the bike. He’s a legend who deserves recognition!

Ken Montfort, Ph.D., PSY’18
Clinical Psychologist
Montfort Psychology Associates, PLLC

From the initial interview I was sold on the idea that I wanted him to train me. My experience of him was that he was interesting and wise. He listened, saw me, and challenged me from the start. I left the interview feeling whole and hopeful. Through the years I observed his amazing ability to redirect the lost and celebrate the sure-footed. I have many memories of observing his tremendous joy when any of us succeeded in anything. He would gesture “yes” with a sure tone that said that he knew we would do well and that he was extremely proud to be a witness to the whole thing. In contrast, the times when I struggled, he was calm and matter of fact, with an easy confidence directed me to continue, which I did. That balance that was pivotal to me being able to finish such a long arduous journey. As my faculty advisor and dissertation chair he assured me that I could finish what I started. Upon reflection, the fact that he was training so many students and was able to give us the same experience is remarkable. His wisdom, character, and long career transcends what he has done for his own clients, it enriches the lives of our clients. Truly, he is an outstanding educator. I am forever grateful.

Ydalith G. Rivera-Pérez, Ph.D., PSY’19
Clinical Psychologist
Toolbox Psychological Services, PLLC

Dr. Hawkins has been a professor, advisor, and dissertation chair for a great number of students at Fielding Graduate University for many years. I am grateful for his teaching, wisdom, knowledge, and support through my program. I truly believe that his contributions to the training of psychology students are invaluable. We are all grateful Hawknesters and will always carry his teachings, professionalism, values of humanity and compassion into our practices for the greatest good of our profession.

Irina Zilberfayn, Ph.D., PSY’19
Clinical Psychologist
Geropsychology and Rehabilitation, Community Living Center
Michael E DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston

Dr. Hawkins has an exceptional dedication to advancing psychological education and practice. With over 20 years of experience, he has consistently demonstrated a passion for teaching, mentoring, and inspiring both students and colleagues. His innovative approach to curriculum development and his generous commitment to incorporating the latest research, and the classics into his teachings have significantly enriched the learning experience. Furthermore, Dr. Hawkins’ contributions extend beyond the classroom, as they actively engage in community outreach and professional development initiatives, making a lasting impact on the field of psychology and the lives of countless individuals.

Czarina Azzam, LPC, Ph.D., PSY’21
Licensed Psychologist
Psychotherapy by Dr. Azzam, PLLC

Dear Ray, Greetings from Seattle! Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement! I wanted to take a moment and reflect on as well as express my outmost gratitude for all of your guidance during my doctoral studies! You were always approachable, available, and provided such a calming and supportive space for me. Please know that it is rare to find such an excellent and responsive mentor, and I’ll forever be grateful for all of your support during my studies. I wish you a wonderful retirement and I know that your presence/impact/contributions will be greatly missed not just at Fielding but in the academic realm at large. Enjoy this wonderful new phase of your life; it’s well deserved!

Ally Frankovich, Ph.D., PSY’21
Clinical Psychologist – Forensic Evaluator
Office of Forensic Mental Health Service (OFMHS)
Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)

Dr. Hawkins has been an integral member of the psychology higher education community for many years. He always goes above and beyond for his students and is well known for his curiosity, insight, and timely review and response style. He has enriched the lives and educations of many budding psychologists over the course of his robust career!

Katie Chapman, M.A.
Doctoral Candidate in Clinical Psychology
Fielding Graduate University

Dr. Hawkins, you are an amazing educator. As a mentor, your impact on my personal life is indescribable, and I will be forever grateful. Needless to say, your contribution to the field of psychology will far exceed your lifetime. Thank you for your kindness, guidance, and personal attention to my success. I look forward to the next adventures our paths will take. Thank you! 

Lisa Vogelman, MBA
Third-Year Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
Fielding Graduate University

For nearly five decades, Dr. Ray Hawkins has balanced teaching, research, and clinical practice, advancing the field and educating future psychologists. As a university administrator, I have witnessed Dr. Hawkins’s commitment to teaching and connecting with students during university sessions and conferences. As a long-time resident of Austin, Texas, he has raised multiple generations of psychologists, who are now mentoring the next generations. His impact on the mental health profession and the community in Texas is profound. His multifaceted contributions have significantly advanced psychology, leaving a lasting impact on students, colleagues, and the broader community. As a Fielding fundraiser, I am inspired by Dr. Hawkins’ generosity and giving in support of Fielding students. On a personal note, I appreciate his humor, kind smile, and welcoming me into the community during Clinical Psychology Sessions at Fielding.

Elena I. Nicklasson, M.A.
Vice President of University Relations
Fielding Graduate University

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Stories about people, issues, research, and innovation across the Fielding global community as reported by the Fielding News Team.

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