About Fielding News

Stories about people, issues, research, and innovation across the Fielding global community as reported by the Fielding News Team.

Fielding Four Receive Prestigious Research Awards at APA 2022


The American Psychological Association held its annual convention virtually and in-person on August 3-6, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Four Fielding School of Psychology students were recognized with APA Research Awards.   Erinn Cameron Clinical psychology PhD student Erinn Cameron received a research award at the APA 2022 conference. The APA division that granted the award is the Research Council of the Society for Prescribing Psychology (APA division 55). Click on the thumbnail below for Erinn's poster presentation. This research is based in part on Erinn's dissertation data.  RESEARCH: Cannabis Delivery Method Usage Patterns and Preferences for Women with [...]

Fielding Four Receive Prestigious Research Awards at APA 20222022-08-23T12:39:54-07:00

Fielding’s Evidence Based Coaching Program Receives Level 2 Accreditation


Fielding Graduate University celebrates receiving Level 2 accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Fielding is committed to excellence with evidenced-based coaching (EBC) and provides 150 hours of coach-specific education. Graduates in the EBC program develop a coaching identity incorporating theoretical underpinnings blended with skill building based on the ICF core competencies.  As the world continues to grow more complex, leaders and professionals need evidence-based coaches who take a comprehensive approach to their work. There is no one formula, tool, or model that will serve every client. EBC coaches incorporate multiple ways of knowing and being, assuming their clients are [...]

Fielding’s Evidence Based Coaching Program Receives Level 2 Accreditation2022-08-22T10:20:44-07:00

Clinical Psychologist Konjit Page, Ph.D., Makes APA Editor’s Choice


Konjit Page, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist and Fielding faculty, Konjit Page, Ph.D., had a recent article selected for the prestigious APA Editor's Choice newsletter. APA’s Editor’s Choice Newsletter offers a free, bi-weekly compilation of APA Journal articles selected as outstanding, noteworthy, and impactful for the field by APA Journal editors. Dr. Page's article, "Creating space for ourselves: Black sexual minority women and gender diverse individuals countering anti-Black racism and heterosexism," explores the experiences of identity validation and/or conflict within Black and sexual- and gender-diverse community spaces. The following is from the abstract of this important research. In this qualitative [...]

Clinical Psychologist Konjit Page, Ph.D., Makes APA Editor’s Choice2022-08-09T14:36:18-07:00

Coaching in Context – Using Client Feedback for Your Professional Development as a Coach


Using Client Feedback for Your Professional Development as a Coach This Session is Eligible for 1.0 Coach Continuing Education Units (.5 CC & .5 RD) SPEAKER: Dr Hélène Seiler, MCC, BCC, certified coach supervisor with Coaching Supervision Academy DATE: December 7, 2022 TIME: 11 a.m. PST Dr. Hélène Seiler is an executive coaching practitioner and educator with 20 years of experience. As a practitioner, she delivers individual and group executive coaching worldwide for international and inter-governmental organizations. As an educator, in addition to being a certified supervisor of coaches and a mentor coach with the University of Texas at Dallas coaching [...]

Coaching in Context – Using Client Feedback for Your Professional Development as a Coach2022-08-04T09:33:09-07:00

Coaching in Context: Team Coaching Dilemmas in Need of Super-vision


Coaching in Context: Team Coaching Dilemmas in Need of Super-vision This Session is Eligible for 1.0 Coach Continuing Education Units (.5 CC & .5 RD) SPEAKER: Dr. Laura Hauser, MCC, EISA, ITCA DATE: September 9, 2022 TIME: 11 a.m. Pacific Dr. Laura Hauser, faculty at Fielding, brings over 30 years of experience and research as an enterprise-wide coach, consultant, and educator. While based in Los Angeles, the impact of her work has been welcomed into executive offices and on the shop floor at companies across North America and Europe. Recognized as a pioneer in the research and practice of leadership and team coaching, Dr. Laura’s [...]

Coaching in Context: Team Coaching Dilemmas in Need of Super-vision2022-08-04T09:33:43-07:00

Announcing Inaugural Recipients of the Dr. Sally Peterson Research Excellence Award


Lauren Mizock, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology alum Megan Brubaker, Ph.D.’20 and faculty member Lauren Mizock, Ph.D., are the inaugural recipients of the Dr. Sally Peterson Research Excellence Award for their research published in the journal Psychological Services. Mizock, L, & Brubaker, M. (2021). Treatment experiences with gender and discrimination among women with serious mental illness. Psychological Services, 18(1), 64-72. https://doi.org/10.1037/ser0000346 The award was established in 2021. It honors Clinical Psychology alum Sally Peterson, PhD’83. Dr. Peterson is among the first Fielding graduates to be licensed as a clinical psychologist in New York. Today, she maintains a private practice in [...]

Announcing Inaugural Recipients of the Dr. Sally Peterson Research Excellence Award2022-08-02T14:57:01-07:00

Faculty Member Rich Appelbaum Pens an Op-Ed on Rent Stabilization


Faculty Member Rich Appelbaum Pens an Op-Ed on Rent Stabilization Human and Organizational Development faculty member Richard Appelbaum, Ph.D., pens an op-ed with UCSB professor Alice O’Connor, Ph.D., titled, Rent Stabilization Is a Necessary Tool, for The Santa Barbara Independent. They write: Richard Appelbaum, Ph.D. In comprehensive and authoritative surveys of rent regulation in California and across the U.S., researchers from the University of Southern California, the University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, and the Washington, DC-based Urban Institute offer careful assessments of what well-designed and implemented rent stabilization measures can accomplish. Far from “never succeeding,” these and [...]

Faculty Member Rich Appelbaum Pens an Op-Ed on Rent Stabilization2022-07-26T11:31:38-07:00

Navajo Education Leaders, Scholars, Set to Discuss Education for the Future


Fielding Graduate University Collaborates with the Navajo Nation on Doctoral Degrees photo taken at the 4th Annual Navajo Education Conference Navajo female leaders, the decolonization of education, and the future of Navajo teaching and learning are some of the critical topics and the kind of research that more than 80 Navajo education leaders and scholars will discuss when they gather for the 6th annual Navajo Education Conference in Window Rock, AZ, July 28-29. The annual conference is jointly organized and sponsored by the Navajo Nation, the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance (ONNSFA), the Navajo [...]

Navajo Education Leaders, Scholars, Set to Discuss Education for the Future2022-07-26T11:08:38-07:00

New Scientists for a New America in a New Normal, Lecture by Orlando L. Taylor, Ph.D.


New Scientists for a New America in a New Normal is the title of the lecture by Distinguished Senior Advisor to the President and Director of Marie Fielder Center Dr. Taylor. The lecture is part of the Ambrose Jearld, Jr. Lecture on Diversity and Inclusion at Woods Hole Geographic Institution in Massachusetts, the world’s leading, independent non-profit organization dedicated to ocean research, exploration, and education. The Ambrose Jearld, Jr. Lecture is given every summer in Woods Hole by invited scholars, scientists, authors and others who can challenge the status quo to bring perspective, knowledge, and expertise to the subject of building [...]

New Scientists for a New America in a New Normal, Lecture by Orlando L. Taylor, Ph.D.2022-07-21T13:15:32-07:00

Fielding Faculty Four Arrows & Notre Dame Faculty Emerita Darcia Narvaez Discuss the Significance of Restoring the Kinship Worldview


EdD Leadership for Change faculty member Four Arrows, Ph.D., and University of Notre Dame Faculty Emerita Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D, discuss their recent book, Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth. Restoring the Kinship Worldview Restoring the Kinship Worldview is rooted in an Indigenous vision and strong social purpose that sees all life forms as sacred and sentient–that honors the wisdom of the heart, and grants equal standing to rights and responsibilities. Four Arrows and Dr. Narvaez present 28 passages from Indigenous leaders, including Mourning Dove, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Winona LaDuke, [...]

Fielding Faculty Four Arrows & Notre Dame Faculty Emerita Darcia Narvaez Discuss the Significance of Restoring the Kinship Worldview2022-07-19T14:54:27-07:00
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