Transforming Trauma into Beauty: Community Healing and Solidarity-Building Through Arts-Based Phenomenological Research
Fielding News2024-02-13T15:48:29-08:00Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry Speaker Series Presents: Transforming Trauma into Beauty: Community Healing and Solidarity-Building Through Arts-Based Phenomenological Research will feature Nisha Gupta, Ph.D., on April 7, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. PT | 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. ET. Register Today! Nisha Gupta, Ph.D. The goal of this learning experience is to introduce participants to arts-based phenomenological research as a vehicle for emancipatory praxis to serve the mission of liberation psychology, which is to raise critical consciousness about the psychological impact of sociopolitical oppression and to partner with marginalized communities to foster dialogue, community healing, [...]