Join the Black Student Association for Black Men Trailblazers Event on Feb. 20


Monday, Feb. 20, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. PST | 6:30 p.m. EST The Fielding community is invited to attend the Black Student Association’s Black Men Trailblazers: A Presentation of Black History and Beyond on Monday, Feb. 20, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. PST | 6:30 p.m. EST. The event is moderated by Nathan Smith and will feature: Orlando L. Taylor, Ph.D., Distinguished Senior Advisor to the Fielding President, Principal Investigator, and Executive Director of the National Science Foundation-funded Center for the Advancement of STEM Leadership (CASL); Christopher L. Edwards, Ph.D., a Clinical Psychologist, Research Psychoneuroendocrinologist, and adjunct psychology faculty at [...]

Join the Black Student Association for Black Men Trailblazers Event on Feb. 202023-02-15T08:34:33-08:00

Fielding Alum Dr. Zabrina Epps Selected as Association of Professional Futurists’ 2023 Emerging Fellow


Zabrina Epps, Ph.D. Zabrina Epps, Ph.D., was selected as one of six fellows to participate in the 2023 Emerging Fellows Program with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF). The two-year program is an opportunity to network with and be mentored by prominent and up-and-coming futures and strategic foresight practitioners around the globe. “This is an exciting opportunity that was made possible by Fielding's self-directed curricula, which enabled me to integrate Futures Studies into my research,” said Dr. Epps. APF sets the standard of excellence for foresight professionals. Members include futurists from businesses, governments, non-profits, consulting futurists, educators, [...]

Fielding Alum Dr. Zabrina Epps Selected as Association of Professional Futurists’ 2023 Emerging Fellow2023-02-13T11:17:20-08:00

In Honor of Black History Month: The Work is Not Yet Done


This year marks 404 years since the first enslaved person disembarked onto American soil, 158 years since the abolishment of slavery, 156 years since Independence Day for enslaved people, and 57 years since the ending of Jim Crow. Although many of these historical events are well over a century old, we are reminded daily that the work is not yet done. Throughout history, African Americans and other members of the Diaspora have fought relentlessly for equity, social justice, and inclusion. In February, we highlight our ancestors’ astounding accomplishments, who paved the way for generations of African Americans and other members [...]

In Honor of Black History Month: The Work is Not Yet Done2023-02-08T12:17:14-08:00

Black Excellence at Fielding: Student Donica Harper and Faculty Anthony “AGee” Greene Receive the Inaugural Clinical Psychology Award for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


As the Fielding Community joins in to honor Black History Month, we are thrilled to celebrate Black Leaders at our university. The Clinical Psychology Program’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award recognizes the contributions students and faculty make to advance DEI work. Clinical Psychology student Donica Harper and core faculty AGee Greene, Ph.D., are the award’s inaugural recipients. Donica Harper “Donica and Dr. Greene were clear candidates for the inaugural award,” said Clinical Psychology DEI Committee Outgoing Chair and core faculty Lauren Mizock, Ph.D. “They have gone above and beyond to contribute to the program, including program [...]

Black Excellence at Fielding: Student Donica Harper and Faculty Anthony “AGee” Greene Receive the Inaugural Clinical Psychology Award for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion2023-02-06T06:58:34-08:00

Black Student Association hosting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Movie Night on Jan. 16


The Fielding community is invited to the Black Student Association’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Movie Night on Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, at 7 p.m. PST during the School of Psychology’s 2023 January Global Session at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort.  The event, sponsored by the Offices of the Provost and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will feature a showing of the “13th” documentary and a panel discussion. According to Netflix, where the documentary is available for streaming, “13th” is a “thought-provoking documentary” in which “scholars, activists, and politicians analyze the criminalization of African-Americans and the U.S. prison boom.” [...]

Black Student Association hosting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Movie Night on Jan. 162023-01-06T10:58:42-08:00

University Town Hall on Oct. 13: Welcoming Fielding’s New Provost Dr. Wendi Williams


Register for the Event President Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D., invites Fielding Graduate University’s alums, students, faculty, staff, and prospective students to a University Town Hall on Oct. 13 to announce the appointment of Fielding’s new provost. The town hall will take place 9-10 a.m. Pacific/12-1 p.m. Eastern. This University Town Hall will introduce Wendi Williams, Ph.D., Provost and Senior Vice President, to the Fielding community. Dr. Williams will begin the provost position on Oct. 11 and brings many years of academic and administrative experience -- as well as a scholarly background -- to this important role at Fielding. As a [...]

University Town Hall on Oct. 13: Welcoming Fielding’s New Provost Dr. Wendi Williams2022-10-11T13:19:00-07:00

@#%$ Your Sorry: Black Womxns’ Reflection on the APA’s Formal Apology


Clinical Psychology faculty Dr. Konjit Page and four Fielding clinical psychology graduate students (Tahlia Bragg, Donica Harper, Brianna Downey, and Sheila Turner) were the winners of the American Psychological Association's 2022 Stuart C. Tentoni Outstanding Professional Development Program Award. The award is provided by APAGS (the graduate student arm of APA, representing 1/3 of all APA membership) and honors the best professional development student presentation at the APA convention. This is a high honor and comes with a monetary award of $500 for the students.  @#%$ Your Sorry: Black Womxns' Reflection on the APA's Formal Apology Tahlia Bragg, Dr. [...]

@#%$ Your Sorry: Black Womxns’ Reflection on the APA’s Formal Apology2022-09-21T14:37:47-07:00

Pushing for Change Fielding Alum Monique Morris Has Used the Research Side of Social Justice to Create a Village of Care for School Girls of Color


Monique Morris, Ed.D. When Monique W. Morris, Ed.D. ‘13 was in the sixth grade, she got into a fight. It wasn’t her first, but fighting at school made this time different. A classmate who had taunted her for weeks stepped on her shoe in gym class and refused to apologize. It didn’t matter that her opponent was taller and bigger, she grabbed the boy and flung him to the ground, the way she learned to do in her judo class. She could have been “pushed out” of school or arrested that day for fighting. Today, Dr. Morris said, [...]

Pushing for Change Fielding Alum Monique Morris Has Used the Research Side of Social Justice to Create a Village of Care for School Girls of Color2022-06-27T16:11:52-07:00

Black Student Association Presents List of Iconic and Influential Black LGBTQIA+ Individuals


Similar to Former President Barak Obama’s Favorites of the Year on Instagram, the Black Student Association has come together to create the following list of iconic and influential Black LGBTQIA+ individuals. We encourage you to explore our suggestions and even come up with your own! Happy Learning and Exploring!

Black Student Association Presents List of Iconic and Influential Black LGBTQIA+ Individuals2022-06-28T05:56:15-07:00

Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation: Nominations Due August 1, 2022


Each year, the Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education recognizes an individual that has made a significant contribution on the national stage to advancing the cause of social justice with the prestigious Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation.  Dr. Marie Fielder Past recipients include Dr. Walter Bumphus, President of the American Association for Community Colleges, Dr. Gary Orfield, Co-Director of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA, Dr. Patricia Gurin, Nancy Cantor Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Psychology and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan, American labor leader Dolores Huerta, and social justice activist, writer, and [...]

Marie Fielder Medal for Social Transformation: Nominations Due August 1, 20222022-06-22T14:56:36-07:00
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