Fielding Alum Dr. Bill Dailey Jr. Recognized With Positive Aging Award from Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)


Dr. Bill Dailey Jr. The 2021 awards for the "15 over 50" Osher Celebration takes place on Friday, December 3, 2021, at 12 noon to celebrate and honor those in their second half of life who exemplify positive aging. Fielding Graduate University's EdD alum, Dr. Bill Dailey Jr., will receive the "Positive Aging Award" along with other fellow elders being honored. Dr. Dailey, a professor at Fresno Pacific University, is a longtime advocate for the disabled and the elderly.  His dissertation research at Fielding, "Elder Stories: Having an Influence Among Aging and Disability Practitioners," examined life stories of [...]

Fielding Alum Dr. Bill Dailey Jr. Recognized With Positive Aging Award from Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)2021-12-03T01:10:33-08:00

Fielding Doctoral Student, Donna Richemond Appointed Montgomery County’s New Chief of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Donna L. Richemond, MA Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, appointed Donna Richemond as its inaugural Chief of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Richemond has more than twenty years of experience in leadership roles in higher education and community positions. She is the first person to assume this new role with Montgomery County. The position was established to lead efforts to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for County employees and residents. In reflecting on the new Chief of DEI position, Ms. Richemond wrote, "All the work I have done to this point has led me to this position - my [...]

Fielding Doctoral Student, Donna Richemond Appointed Montgomery County’s New Chief of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion2021-12-01T23:28:57-08:00

Ruth Weiss, the Beat Goddess Documentary


In a life that has spanned 92 creative years, ruth weiss is one of the most influential writers of the Beat Generation who revolutionized and empowered the world of poetry. Elisabeth P. Montgomery, Ph.D., Fielding Alum - Class of 2006 Greetings, Fielding friends and alumni! I want to share the gratifying success of producing a documentary about my friend, poet ruth weiss. I met ruth in 2008 at a fundraiser for the Beat Museum in San Francisco's North Beach community, across the street from Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s famous City Lights Bookstore a hub of the Free Speech [...]

Ruth Weiss, the Beat Goddess Documentary2025-02-25T11:36:27-08:00

New Special Edition of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship Features Military Connected Scholars.


New Special Edition of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) inspired by Fielding features work by–and about–military connected scholars. Fielding alumnus Dr. Bart Buechner credits the Fielding Veterans Connections group, and the Fielding Graduate University Press monograph, as inspirations for a newly released journal edition that highlights collaborative with, about, and for emerging scholars with connections to the military and veterans communities. Bart served as co-editor of the project, which spanned three years. Dr. Barton Buechner According to Dr. Buechner, “Working with Dr. Jean-Pierre Isbouts and Dr. Miguel Guilarte on Monograph 8, Veteran and Family [...]

New Special Edition of the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship Features Military Connected Scholars.2021-10-07T17:22:14-07:00

Diálogos Virtuales


A Lecture-Discussion Series on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & the Global Dimensions of Education AN INDIGENOUS WORLDVIEW CAN PRESERVE OUR EXISTENCE: IMPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATION. Monday, October 4th • 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. PST This event is hosted by San Diego State University's College of Education Zoom Registration Four Arrows, professor at Fielding Graduate University Fielding Graduate University professor Four Arrows will discuss the importance of dehypnotizing worldview reflection and the use of the CAT-FAWN mnemonic for transformational learning that seeks complementary and/or re-balancing beliefs about humans, nature and spirit that come from a non-binary reflection on dominant and [...]

Diálogos Virtuales2021-09-14T22:00:49-07:00

Deathworlds to Lifeworlds: Collaboration with Strangers for Personal, Social and Ecological Transformation


Published by De Gruyter, 2021 Valerie Malhotra Bentz, Ph.D., Professor, Fielding Graduate University ( James Marlatt, Ph.D., Institute for Social Innovation Fellow at Fielding Graduate University Editors Deathworld-Making Processes Within Our Lifeworlds Deathworlds are places on planet earth that can no longer sustain life. These are increasing rapidly. We experience remnants of Deathworlds within our Lifeworlds (for example traumatic echoes of war, genocide, oppression). Many practices and policies, directly or indirectly, are “Deathworld-Making.” They undermine Lifeworlds contributing to community decline, illnesses, climate change, and species extinction. This book highlights the ways in which writing about and sharing meaningful experiences may [...]

Deathworlds to Lifeworlds: Collaboration with Strangers for Personal, Social and Ecological Transformation2021-08-27T19:00:08-07:00

Ace of Cups Band Receives Creative Longevity and Wisdom Award


Award Given for Contributions to Advocacy Across Generations and Empowerment of Women   Fielding Graduate University is pleased to present the 2020 Creative Longevity and Wisdom Outstanding Scholar Practitioner Award to the Ace of Cups Band. Formed in the 1960s as the first all-female rock band, band members reunited in their sixties over the last decade, producing two albums and leading advocacy efforts in support of positive aging.  ACE of Cups The Ace of Cups has been featured on CBS This Morning, NPR and in feature articles in The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian and Billboard [...]

Ace of Cups Band Receives Creative Longevity and Wisdom Award2021-08-27T19:00:32-07:00

Giving Voice to Women’s Issues


Lynn Schmidt, PhD Seven questions for Fielding alum and award-winning author, Lynn Schmidt, PhD. Dr. Schmidt earned her doctorate in human and organizational systems from Fielding Graduate University.  What brought you to Fielding? When I decided to pursue a PhD I explored various doctoral programs. I already had a bachelors and masters and my thinking was, if I pursue one more degree I want to be able to focus on what interests me.  The human and organizational systems program is top notch and Fielding's flexibility in how you design your degree program and dissertation work allows for you to [...]

Giving Voice to Women’s Issues2020-03-13T11:05:29-07:00
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