Coaching in Context: Team Coaching Dilemmas in Need of Super-vision


Coaching in Context: Team Coaching Dilemmas in Need of Super-vision This Session is Eligible for 1.0 Coach Continuing Education Units (.5 CC & .5 RD) SPEAKER: Dr. Laura Hauser, MCC, EISA, ITCA DATE: September 9, 2022 TIME: 11 a.m. Pacific Dr. Laura Hauser, faculty at Fielding, brings over 30 years of experience and research as an enterprise-wide coach, consultant, and educator. While based in Los Angeles, the impact of her work has been welcomed into executive offices and on the shop floor at companies across North America and Europe. Recognized as a pioneer in the research and practice of leadership and team coaching, Dr. Laura’s [...]

Coaching in Context: Team Coaching Dilemmas in Need of Super-vision2022-08-04T09:33:43-07:00

Navajo Education Leaders, Scholars, Set to Discuss Education for the Future


Fielding Graduate University Collaborates with the Navajo Nation on Doctoral Degrees photo taken at the 4th Annual Navajo Education Conference Navajo female leaders, the decolonization of education, and the future of Navajo teaching and learning are some of the critical topics and the kind of research that more than 80 Navajo education leaders and scholars will discuss when they gather for the 6th annual Navajo Education Conference in Window Rock, AZ, July 28-29. The annual conference is jointly organized and sponsored by the Navajo Nation, the Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance (ONNSFA), the Navajo [...]

Navajo Education Leaders, Scholars, Set to Discuss Education for the Future2025-02-25T11:50:34-08:00

New Scientists for a New America in a New Normal, Lecture by Orlando L. Taylor, Ph.D.


New Scientists for a New America in a New Normal is the title of the lecture by Distinguished Senior Advisor to the President and Director of Marie Fielder Center Dr. Taylor. The lecture is part of the Ambrose Jearld, Jr. Lecture on Diversity and Inclusion at Woods Hole Geographic Institution in Massachusetts, the world’s leading, independent non-profit organization dedicated to ocean research, exploration, and education. The Ambrose Jearld, Jr. Lecture is given every summer in Woods Hole by invited scholars, scientists, authors and others who can challenge the status quo to bring perspective, knowledge, and expertise to the subject of building [...]

New Scientists for a New America in a New Normal, Lecture by Orlando L. Taylor, Ph.D.2022-07-21T13:15:32-07:00

Fielding Faculty Four Arrows & Notre Dame Faculty Emerita Darcia Narvaez Discuss the Significance of Restoring the Kinship Worldview


EdD Leadership for Change faculty member Four Arrows, Ph.D., and University of Notre Dame Faculty Emerita Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D, discuss their recent book, Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth. Restoring the Kinship Worldview Restoring the Kinship Worldview is rooted in an Indigenous vision and strong social purpose that sees all life forms as sacred and sentient–that honors the wisdom of the heart, and grants equal standing to rights and responsibilities. Four Arrows and Dr. Narvaez present 28 passages from Indigenous leaders, including Mourning Dove, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Winona LaDuke, [...]

Fielding Faculty Four Arrows & Notre Dame Faculty Emerita Darcia Narvaez Discuss the Significance of Restoring the Kinship Worldview2022-07-19T14:54:27-07:00

Fielding Focus Magazine: Scholar-Practitioner, July 2022 Issue


Focus Magazine: Scholar-Practitioner, July 2022 Issue We are excited to share that the July 2022 issue is now available online, and the members of the Fielding community will receive it in the mailboxes shortly. Focus Magazine July, 2022 This issue's theme is Scholar-Practitioner. In the opening letter, President Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D., discusses Fielding's tradition in educating scholar-practitioners and even shaping the concept itself: "Whether the word scholar is first or second in the terminology, the idea is that an iterative process of inquiry and discovery takes place. Insights from what we experience and do in the world [...]

Fielding Focus Magazine: Scholar-Practitioner, July 2022 Issue2022-07-11T14:58:48-07:00

Fielding’s Dr. Kathy Geller is part of an international team of scholars being honored with the “MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award” at the 82nd Academy of Management Conference


Fielding’s HOD program director, Kathy Geller, Ph.D., is part of an international team of scholars being honored with the “MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award” at the 82nd Academy of Management Conference The winning symposium will be presented on Sunday, August 7, 2022. Founded in 1936, the Academy of Management (AOM) is an internationally recognized professional association for scholars and practitioners of management and organizations. This year’s conference anticipates over 7,000 members in attendance. Each year at the AOM annual conference, divisions within the Academy bestow awards including the MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award. This award recognizes the symposium [...]

Fielding’s Dr. Kathy Geller is part of an international team of scholars being honored with the “MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award” at the 82nd Academy of Management Conference2022-07-01T15:06:53-07:00

Fielding University Press Publishes “Sexual Misconduct Prevention Guidebook”


Wednesday, July 29 — Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Title IX, Fielding University Press is proud to announce its publication of The Sexual Misconduct Prevention Guidebook, written by Fielding alumna Dr. Laura McGuire. The publication is the first to be co-funded by the Jean-Pierre Isbouts Endowed Fund for Lifelong Learning, launched by alum Pauline Albert, Ph.D., to support the publication of research by Fielding’s alumni. In this Guidebook, Laura deploys her lived experience as a sexual misconduct prevention expert in higher education and the military to develop a series of best practices for use on campus at today’s educational institutions. Going [...]

Fielding University Press Publishes “Sexual Misconduct Prevention Guidebook”2022-06-30T11:40:42-07:00

Handbook of Online Learning in Higher Education


“A comprehensive, contemporary, and research-supported treatment of online learning. Engaging with this work can encourage conversation, inspire reflection, and improve practice for anyone involved in online teaching and learning,” says Executive Director and CEO of Quality Matters Deborah Adair, Ph.D. in her review of Fielding’s “Handbook of Online Learning in Higher Education”. Released in 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s no surprise that the “Handbook for Online Learning” has become a go-to source for universities and educators challenged to pivot and build online learning programs and curricula from scratch. For others in higher education who have embraced the new opportunities that [...]

Handbook of Online Learning in Higher Education2025-02-25T11:40:38-08:00

School District Leaders as Agents of Equity and Public Education Futures


by Zabrina Epps, Fellow, Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education. Abstract Purpose: This study examines education system leaders as agents of equity and future education systems by exploring their perceptions of themselves in the role. Methodology: The research employed in-depth, semi-structured interviews with seven superintendents throughout North America to obtain their perceptions of themselves as equity advocates and of possible alternative futures of their school districts. Findings: Six categories of leader agency (i.e., the capacities for intentionality, forethought, action, and reflection; Bandura, 2006) emerged from the narratives. Recommendations: Educational leadership training, certification criteria, and professional development should integrate [...]

School District Leaders as Agents of Equity and Public Education Futures2022-06-24T13:49:08-07:00

Dr. Dianne Kipnes Library Announcement: Celebrating a New Gift and Launching a Fundraising Campaign


Fielding Graduate University receives a generous commitment from The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Foundation and launches a fundraising campaign for the Dr. Dianne Kipnes Library Endowment.  Dianne Kipnes, Ph.D., 1998 School of Psychology alumna and convocation speaker for Fielding’s summer 2016 graduation ceremony, and her spouse, Mr. Irving Kipnes, have pledged $1,000,000 to establish the Dr. Dianne Kipnes Library Endowment.  Previously, Dr. Kipnes shared that she believed that libraries are essential to human development and academic learning. She added: “The education of Fielding students is of particular importance because of the influence graduates will have on both individuals and groups. [...]

Dr. Dianne Kipnes Library Announcement: Celebrating a New Gift and Launching a Fundraising Campaign2022-05-17T19:56:57-07:00
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