Call for Applications: 2025 Dianne Kipnes Award for Social Innovation


Dianne Kipnes, Ph.D. The Dianne Kipnes Award for Social Innovation award supports innovative, collaborative projects that enhance the well-being of individuals, organizations, or communities through research and professional practice. Applications are being accepted from alumni of Fielding’s School of Psychology and School of Leadership Studies through February 28, 2025. The award endowment provides up to $15,000 to fund one or more selected proposals. Eligible alumni can apply annually for projects lasting up to two years. Awardees will present their work at a Fielding session with university support and must submit an annual progress report, a final project report, [...]

Call for Applications: 2025 Dianne Kipnes Award for Social Innovation2025-02-27T11:04:33-08:00

From Classroom to Publication: Fielding Alum Shares Coaching Tips for Modern Managers in NCURA Magazine


Lisa Kim We proudly celebrate Lisa Kim, a doctoral student in our Organizational Development and Change Program, for her contribution to the January 2025 issue of NCURA Magazine, the flagship journal of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA). Her article, entitled "An Integrative Coaching Approach for Modern Managers," explores how an integrative coaching approach can help managers navigate the challenges of remote work—an idea sparked by her experience in the HOD-847 Theoretical Foundations of Evidence-Based Coaching course in Summer 2024. Kim said that she was inspired by the rapid transition to remote work environments, which poses [...]

From Classroom to Publication: Fielding Alum Shares Coaching Tips for Modern Managers in NCURA Magazine2025-02-25T10:08:38-08:00

Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student Research: Age-based Biases in the Diagnoses of Older Adults


Clinical Psychology doctoral student Grier Potter presented a poster at the New England Psychological Association (NEPA) Conference at Springfield College in Springfield MA. The paper shared findings from a Fielding research team about age-based biases in the diagnoses of older adults and was very well received. As one of the region’s most renowned associations for psychology technology and research, NEPA has been fostering psychological knowledge since 1963. Partnering with NECTOP, NEPA is a leader in advancing educational standards in the field of psychology. I was very happy to represent Fielding at this regional conference. This is the third conference I [...]

Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student Research: Age-based Biases in the Diagnoses of Older Adults2024-11-14T07:31:27-08:00

Ph.D. Candidate Sarah Barker Selected as Panelist at this year’s International NZ Web Fest


Media Psychology Ph.D. candidate Sarah Barker has been selected as a panelist for this year's international NZ Web Fest in the Online Creator Conversation' where her work has been officially selected in the non-fiction documentary podcast category. This selection is for her project "VR: A Path to Mental Wellness," exploring how virtual reality can be a powerfully effective tool for working with chronic pain, PTSD symptoms, depression, and other human ailments. The show is practicum work for a Ph.D. in Psychology with an emphasis in media and technology at Fielding Graduate University. The NZ Web Fest was created by Keith [...]

Ph.D. Candidate Sarah Barker Selected as Panelist at this year’s International NZ Web Fest2024-10-09T13:22:22-07:00

Dr. Lauren Mizock Appointed 2024-25 Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry


Lauren Mizock, Ph.D., core Clinical Psychology faculty, was recently named as the Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry for 2024-25. Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D., has a storied career and is a longtime Clinical Psychology faculty member and psychotherapist. Established in 2020, the Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry fund supports Fielding faculty research, while honoring the legacy of Dr. Josselson and affirming the importance of qualitative research in psychology as acknowledged by the American Psychological Association Division 5, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. The Josselson Chair is appointed for one academic year, September-August, with Dr. Mizock beginning her tenure in September 2024.  [...]

Dr. Lauren Mizock Appointed 2024-25 Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry2024-07-08T11:18:31-07:00

Office of Student Life and Thriving Offering Experiences During Global Session


Office of Student Life and Thriving Offering Experiences During Global Session The Office of Student Life and Thriving offers experiences for students and the Fielding community at Global Session in Washington, D.C., from July 7 to July 11. Students and other members of the Fielding community may attend the events below, unless otherwise mentioned (all times are Eastern). Advising July 7-July 9 Graduate program advisors will be available for in person 30-minute academic advising meetings by appointment. Advising appointments are an excellent opportunity to review your progress toward degree completion and plan for future term registration. Students registered for session [...]

Office of Student Life and Thriving Offering Experiences During Global Session2024-06-11T11:54:08-07:00

Office of Student Life and Thriving Website Now Available


Visit the Office of Student Life and Thriving Website The Office of Student Life and Thriving’s website is now available for students and the Fielding community. Associate Provost for Student Life and Thriving Cherjanét Lenzy, Ph.D. The website programs and initiatives support students in their doctoral, Master’s, certificate, and post-doctoral scholarship and practice. The overarching goal is to ensure students are thriving and not just surviving. The Office of Student Life and Thriving’s work and ethic of care is centered on the following pillars: Community: Assisting students in developing support networks and communities of care through programs and [...]

Office of Student Life and Thriving Website Now Available2024-06-11T11:27:56-07:00

Fielding Recognizes Melissa Garcia for Academic Excellence and Community Leadership


Melissa Garcia Melissa Garcia, a dedicated Ph.D. student in Organizational Development and Change at the School of Leadership Studies, received two prestigious Fielding scholarships. Melissa has been awarded the Janet Garufis Endowed Scholarship in Leadership and the Montecito Bank & Trust Scholarship in recognition of her outstanding academic achievements and commitment to community service. Melissa's journey in education exemplifies her passion for making a difference in the Santa Barbara community. With a schoolteacher background, she is now advancing her career as an education administrator, currently serving as Coordinator for Language Education Services at the Santa Barbara County Education [...]

Fielding Recognizes Melissa Garcia for Academic Excellence and Community Leadership2024-06-04T07:37:02-07:00

Student AMA Panel Kicks Off New Students’ Term


Ask Me Anything (AMA) Panel The recent New Student Orientation (NSO) for Summer term featured a dynamic student-produced event: an “AMA” (Ask Me Anything) panel. The format, inspired by a popular social media norm, encouraged live audience interaction and aimed to provide new students with a significant head start! Each panelist was selected to represent a diverse range of professional backgrounds, geographic locations, and research interests, offering new students potentially relatable and/or relevant perspectives. The eclectic group, sharing their experiences and insights about university life, was composed of six “senior”-level students and graduates including: Moderator/organizer Angel Burns, a PhD media [...]

Student AMA Panel Kicks Off New Students’ Term2024-09-20T18:11:17-07:00

Fielding’s Institute for Social Innovation is Proud to Announce Its ISI Fellows for 2024-25


The ISI Fellows Program offers Fielding alums an academic partner to continue their professional work, apply for external funding, and publicize their projects. ISI Fellows have one-year appointments with renewal contingent on progress and future plans. “Fielding’s Institute for Social Innovation (ISI) accepted 12 alums as Fellows for the 2024-2025 cycle,” said Charles McClintock, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Social Innovation. “Their work spans a wide range of content, from leadership and mental health to diversity, equity, and inclusion. ISI Fellows continue to pursue their research and professional development projects under the aegis of ISI, where they have support [...]

Fielding’s Institute for Social Innovation is Proud to Announce Its ISI Fellows for 2024-252024-05-23T10:37:16-07:00
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