State of the University Set for Feb. 7


The Fielding community is invited to join President Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D., for the State of the University on Wednesday, Feb. 7 at 11 a.m. PT | 2 p.m. ET. This year’s presentation will highlight Fielding’s 50th Anniversary and continued communications about Fielding’s affiliation with Rowan Education Partners. Register for Event Learn more about the Office of the President Learn more about the Rowan Education Partners Affiliation

State of the University Set for Feb. 72024-01-17T07:34:48-08:00

Fielding Faculty Four Arrows Publishes Article on Decolonizing in The Review of General Psychology


On January 9th, 2023 Four Arrows had his 44,000 word article about decolonizing Western psychology published in The Review of General Psychology, a Q1 ranked journal published by the APA with a 2022 impact factor of 4.5. The journal is edited by Thomas Teo, author of The Critique of Psychology: From Kant to Postcolonial Theory, and by Wade Pickren, author of A History of Modern Psychology in Context. The Review of General Psychology cover Restoring Sanity and Remembering Spirit in Psychology: Reclaiming Our Pre-Colonial Worldview. This article focuses on rebalancing our colonial worldview assumptions about psychological healing with our pre-colonial, [...]

Fielding Faculty Four Arrows Publishes Article on Decolonizing in The Review of General Psychology2024-01-11T08:28:53-08:00

Dr. Barbara Mink Delivers Keynote Speech at the graduation of over 3700 graduates from the Austin Community College District


Program Director Dr. Barbara Mink Serves as Graduation Speaker at the ACC 2023 Graduation. Fielding's EdD in Leadership for Change Program Director Dr. Barbara Mink was chosen to be the Graduation Speaker at the graduation of over 3,700 graduates from the Austin Community College District (ACC). The ACC has over 100,000 credit and non-credit students and 11 campuses. After Dr. Mink's remarks, she was called back to the podium by Chancellor Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart and she was awarded a plaque with an honorary Associate of Arts Degree from the college. In addition, Chancellor Lowery-Hart announced that the college was [...]

Dr. Barbara Mink Delivers Keynote Speech at the graduation of over 3700 graduates from the Austin Community College District2024-01-10T10:33:30-08:00

Fielding Hosting Film Premiere: The Voices of Fielding on Jan. 14


Join Fielding Graduate University as we kick off our 50th Anniversary celebrations this January! On Jan. 14, Fielding, in conjunction with Premier Sponsor the Santa Barbara Independent, will host the Film Premiere: The Voices of Fielding, an exclusive cinematic journey into the heart of education. The event will be from 2:30 p.m.-4 p.m. PT at the Riviera Theatre in Santa Barbara. The Voices of Fielding features graduates from the Navajo Nation, representatives from the Black Student Association, and a broad cross-section of students and alums from all schools at Fielding. It includes local Santa Barbara leaders and alums, such as [...]

Fielding Hosting Film Premiere: The Voices of Fielding on Jan. 142024-01-05T11:38:06-08:00

A New Year Message from the President


Dear Fielding colleagues,   Happy 2024 to each of you, and Happy 50th Anniversary year, Fielding!   An anniversary of any magnitude is a time for reflection – about how we made a contribution to a different way of graduate education and the excitement for the future. Since March 11, 1974, we have witnessed Fielding transform into what it is today – a community of scholar-practitioners changing their own lives and the world around them.    For my New Year message, please click on the link here.  I look forward to seeing many of you in person or virtually during this special year [...]

A New Year Message from the President2024-01-10T11:42:31-08:00

ISI Fellows 2024 Symposium: Experiencing Generative Team Leadership


Register for Event ISI Fellows January Symposium 2024 Authors: Dr. Kathleen Curran & Dr. Randall Joy Thompson The COVID-19 pandemic was cataclysmic. Fear, confusion, chaos, and the sad reality of death permeated people’s consciousness everywhere.  Unprepared and sometimes in denial, our heroic leaders floundered. They were not prepared, lacked the necessary resources, and left many needs unfulfilled.  A leadership void appeared. We, Kathleen Curran and Randal Joy Thompson, both Fielding University HOD PhD Graduates and Institute for Social Innovation (ISI) Fellows, noticed something remarkable happening in response to this leadership void.  Self-organized groups around the world spontaneously appeared to meet [...]

ISI Fellows 2024 Symposium: Experiencing Generative Team Leadership2023-12-21T15:02:13-08:00

Fielding Doctoral Student Darius Ajai Frasure Performs His Poet’s Studio Series Piece “We, Us, Our.”


North Texas poet, Darius Ajai Frasure, performs his piece "We, Us, Our" Poet's Studio series--an original production of KERA. This series was made possible with support from Texas Mutual. Special thanks to DaVerse Lounge. Video by the Digibees. MAKING BLACK AMERICA: THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE is a four-part series from executive producer, host and writer Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., which premiered October 4th on PBS stations nationwide. Professor Gates, with directors Stacey L. Holman and Shayla Harris, chronicle the vast social networks and organizations created by and for Black people beyond the reach of the “White gaze.” The series recounts [...]

Fielding Doctoral Student Darius Ajai Frasure Performs His Poet’s Studio Series Piece “We, Us, Our.”2023-11-30T09:46:53-08:00

Fielding Students, Faculty, and Alumni Meet in Austin, Texas for Dissertation Workshop


Fielding Students, Faculty, and Alumni Meet in Austin, Texas for an intensive Dissertation Workshop. Hi from the Austin Research Intensive! Fielding students and alumni from around the U.S. and Canada converged in Austin, Texas, in early November for a 3-day intensive dissertation workshop. Fielding’s School of Leadership Studies held the in-person event at the Hilton Garden Inn in north Austin on November 9 - 11, 2023. The event focused on helping attendees learn how to advance their research and work on all aspects of their dissertations. The main session also included small peer groups for those in [...]

Fielding Students, Faculty, and Alumni Meet in Austin, Texas for Dissertation Workshop2023-11-16T11:02:47-08:00

Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry Speaker Series to Feature José Giovanni Luiggi-Hernández, Ph.D., M.P.H.


Mixing Qualitative Methodologies - The Phenomenology and Grounded Theory of Hope and Hopelessness in a Colonized Context Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry Speaker Series will feature José Giovanni Luiggi-Hernández, Ph.D., M.P.H., on December 2, 10 a.m.-noon PT; 1-3 p.m. ET. Register today The goal of this learning experience is to introduce the participant to the mixing of qualitative methodologies with the purpose of adequately answer multiple, complex research questions. To meet these goal, the speaker (1) will present literature regarding mixing qualitative methods (2) provide an example of how this has been done by presenting the methodology and [...]

Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry Speaker Series to Feature José Giovanni Luiggi-Hernández, Ph.D., M.P.H.2025-02-25T11:44:14-08:00

Visiting Scholar Dr. Perry Reed Joins Media Psychology Research Group


Perry Reed, Ph.D. Visiting scholar Perry Reed, Ph.D., has joined Fielding's Media Psychology Research Group. Dr. Reed is a media psychologist driven to help people and organizations leverage media and technology effectively. He earned his MA and PhD in media psychology from Fielding Graduate University, conducting his dissertation research on the intersections of artificial intelligence, human creativity, and the science of storytelling. He also holds a BS in cognitive science from UCLA. As a Visiting Scholar at Fielding Graduate University, Perry will work alongside faculty to lead the media psychology virtual research lab. Perry will mentor graduate students, conduct research, [...]

Visiting Scholar Dr. Perry Reed Joins Media Psychology Research Group2023-11-14T08:07:31-08:00
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