What happens when young, women of color leaders who live and work in community-based organizations have access to cutting-edge training and coaching?
Guest Blogger: Charlyn Green Fareed, Ph.D., PCC, BCC – www.charlyngreenfareed.com
Within the world of coaching both inside of organizations and out, coaching is usually reserved for senior level executives; in most for-profit organizations these would be white males. According to a 2013 Executive Coaching Survey by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, 81.3% of respondents were male and 18.7% were female. Although the racial and/or cultural make-up of these respondents was not reported, it can be assumed that the majority was white. In non-profit organizations, access to executive level or managerial coaching is equally non-existent, primarily due to the lack of people of color in executive and board level positions.
The Daring to Lead reports of 2006 and 2011 of more than 3,000 nonprofit leaders found that 82 percent of respondents were white. More recently, in BoardSource’s 2015 Leading with Intent report of nonprofit boards, 89 percent of respondents identified as white. For over a decade now, survey reports consistently show that less than 20 percent of nonprofit executive leaders are people of color. The report cites the “results call into question the common assumption that to increase the diversity of nonprofit leaders, People of Color need more training. The findings point to a new narrative. To increase the number of People of Color leaders, the nonprofit sector needs to address the practices and biases of those governing nonprofit organizations.”
From my perspective, at the core of this discussion is the principle of access– who has it and who does not. This is a social justice issue that drives the work I do with women in every area of my practice. The outcomes from my most recent project examining the impact of access to leadership coaching on young aspiring leaders of color confirmed access transforms how women see themselves as leaders. The outcomes can offer both for-profits as well as non-profits that have a commitment to social justice ideals, with valuable information that may inform how they develop people and executive coaching programs.
The five outstanding leaders, who participated in this study, are five of many women of color who are ready to continue learning and moving into executive positions. They reported, coaching in addition to leadership training was the catalyst that changed how they see themselves as leaders and prepared them to set future career goals.
I look forward to sharing more of their amazing journey and the research model at the July 10 webinar.
Evidence Based Coaching (EBC) Thought Leaders Webinar: Coaching Inclusively: Providing Young Women of Color Leaders Access to Coaching
Speaker: Charlyn Green Fareed, PhD, PCC, BCC – www.charlyngreenfareed.com
Hosted by Terry H. Hildebrandt, PhD, MCC, MCEC, Director of Evidence Based Coaching, Fielding Graduate University
Was held on July 10, 2019, 4pm – 5pm Pacific
Watch the YouTube video at https://youtu.be/9yOXrvKhGOs
The presentation will offer an overview and findings from a 2018 action research project conducted with five young community leaders of color and five cross-race seasoned coaches. The purpose of the project was to understand how having access to cutting-edge leadership development training and coaching contributed to any changes in how they saw themselves as leaders. The research question that the project sought to understand was; how access to cutting edge leadership training and coaching for young grassroots/community leaders of color helps to transform how they see themselves as leaders. A sub-research question sought to better understand how coaches could increase skill and awareness of cultural issues when coaching across racial/ethnic culture.
Bio of Charlyn Green Fareed, PhD, PCC, BCC
For over 20 years, Dr. Green Fareed’s expertise has been in the area of human and organizational development in both non-profit and for-profit organizations. Her practice focus is multicultural women’s leadership, career development and coaching. In addition, she designs and facilitates leadership and cultural diversity programs for groups and organizations. Charlyn collaborates with organizations to help build diverse and inclusive work environments that support personal, interpersonal, and organizational capacity. Dr. Green Fareed holds a doctorate in Human & Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University. She completed coaching certifications from the Evidence Based Coaching Program of Fielding Graduate University and the Center for Credentialing & Education.
For more on Fielding’s EBC Coach Training Program, see http://coach.fielding.edu
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