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This session is eligible for 1.0 Coach Continuing Education Units (1.0 Core Competency)

SPEAKER: Viv Chitty, MA, BSc Psych. Director, Viv Chitty Associates
Wed., Nov. 8, 2023
11 a.m.-12 p.m. PT / 2-3 p.m. ET

Continuing Coach Education

Having optimal, depleted or inappropriate high energy at work will impact an individual’s performance, self-awareness, ability to lead and inspire and their relationships with others, sometimes with a considerable ripple effect on the atmosphere in their team or wider organisation. It can also affect their ability to engage with coaching.

In this webinar Viv Chitty will present her pioneering work on conceptualising human energy for use in the coaching and other fields, argue that it is important to address a client’s energy in coaching and outline HOW this can be done.

Viv’s input will be based on the years of research she has conducted on this topic (including a thorough review of peer-reviewed research), including interviews with experienced executive coaches, which led to her writing the book Coaching for Optimal Energy: A guide for executive coaches. The book explores the concept of energy, how it manifests in sessions and in the workplace, influences on energy, the role of the coach and how this can be addressed by practitioners.


Based on Viv’s research and book, the session will cover:

  • Original thinking about the concept of human energy
  • Input on how energy manifests in clients in sessions and in the workplace
  • Why it is important for executive coaches to work with client energy
  • Give an overview of how this can be addressed with clients.
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Viv Chitty

Viv Chitty, MA, BScViv Chitty is the Director and founder of the coaching and supervision consultancy Viv Chitty Associates, she has over twenty years’ experience in executive coaching and specialises in working with senior executives who have multiple challenges to face, across a spectrum of blue-chip organisations in the UK and abroad.

Viv is an accredited coach at Master Practitioner level with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and has extensive training and expertise in coaching. She has a degree in Psychology, a post graduate Diploma in counselling and an MA in coaching and mentoring. In addition, Viv is an accredited coach supervisor and has supervised fellow executive coaches in the UK, USA and Mexico since qualifying with the Coaching Supervision Academy (CSA) in 2009.

Her robust, evidence-based practice is informed by rigorous and continual self-development and her own regular professional supervision. Recently, Viv has pioneered and researched a ground-breaking new methodology, Optimal Energy® Coaching, which is based on her MA research and book Coaching for Optimal Energy: A guide for executive coaches. This addresses client energy levels with a focus on how this influences how they perform, feel, behave, relate to and impact others.

Viv commenced her career (which later led her to specialise in executive coaching) consulting with large retail and transport organisations enabling them to prepare for and deal with complex workplace situations which directly affected their bottom line. She still consults, developing mentoring programmes for global banks based in the City of London.

She has featured as a speaker at a number of major conferences, including those hosted by the British Retail Consortium and The Association of Counselling in the Workplace and gave the keynote speech to the Oxford Brookes University Coaching and Mentoring Research Conference held in Oxford in January 2023.

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