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Coaching in Context: Cultivating Moral Maturity as a Coach


This session is eligible for 1.5 Coach Continuing Education Units (1.0 Core Competency) SPEAKER: Francine Campone, Ed.D., MCC, Credentialed Coaching Supervisor (CSA) DATE: Wed., Oct. 11, 2023 TIME: 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PT / 2-3:30 p.m. ET An ethical dilemma is a situation where there are multiple options for a response, each of which carries some cost.  When we encounter an ethical dilemma, we may find ourselves with three questions:  What is the right thing to do?  What is the ethical thing to do?  What is the moral thing to do?  How we answer the first question depends on how we think [...]

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