Focus Magazine: Scholar-Practitioner, July 2022 Issue
We are excited to share that the July 2022 issue is now available online, and the members of the Fielding community will receive it in the mailboxes shortly.

Focus Magazine July, 2022
This issue’s theme is Scholar-Practitioner. In the opening letter, President Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D., discusses Fielding’s tradition in educating scholar-practitioners and even shaping the concept itself: “Whether the word scholar is first or second in the terminology, the idea is that an iterative process of inquiry and discovery takes place. Insights from what we experience and do in the world become prompts for scholarly questions. Research that poses new ideas or reveals insights helps us deepen our practice.”
Organizational Development and Leadership Program Director Keith Ray, Ph.D., explores what it means to build practitioner skills in the VUCA world. He shares insights on how Fielding’s new one-year-long master’s program was designed to meet today’s challenges and opportunities.
Alum Marilee Adams shares insights on question thinking and discusses her scholar-practitioner journey and the latest book, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 12 Powerful Tools for Leadership, Coaching, and Results.
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