Join the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for an event commemorating Pride Month on Thursday, June 27 at 12 p.m. PT | 3 p.m. ET.


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Diego Garcia Blum

Diego Garcia Blum

The event will feature Diego Garcia Blum, the Director for the Global LGBTQI+ Human Rights Program at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University. His presentation is titled, “Dispelling Myths: The Key to Understanding and Supporting LGBTQI+ Communities.”

About the Presentation

Identifying and dispelling myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings about LGBTQI+ individuals are crucial for fostering a more inclusive and supportive society. These myths often peddle the dangerous idea that being LGBTQI+ is an unnatural choice, a sickness, or a curable condition. Such falsehoods not only create and perpetuate stigma but also enable a normative environment where good people can be misled into believing that discrimination and human rights abuses are justified in the name of curing someone or preventing them from making a “choice.”

These misconceptions are deeply ingrained in societal norms and are often perpetuated by cultural, religious, and political institutions. They can manifest in various harmful ways, from discriminatory laws and policies to everyday acts of prejudice and exclusion. For example, the myth that being LGBTQI+ is a choice fuels the argument that individuals can and should be “cured” or “converted,” leading to harmful practices like conversion therapy, which has been widely discredited and condemned by medical and psychological experts.

To effectively counter these myths, it is essential to educate ourselves and others about the realities of LGBTQI+ experiences. This involves understanding the science and research that debunk these misconceptions, as well as listening to and amplifying the voices of LGBTQI+ individuals who share their lived experiences. By doing so, we can challenge the false narratives and promote a more accurate and empathetic understanding of what it means to be LGBTQI+.

Dispelling myths and misconceptions about LGBTQI+ individuals are not just a matter of correcting false information; it is a vital step towards creating a society where everyone is accepted and valued for who they are. By challenging these harmful narratives, we can help reduce stigma, prevent discrimination, and promote the human rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

About Diego Garcia Blum

Diego Garcia Blum is the Director for the Global LGBTQI+ Human Rights Program at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University. His work is dedicated to advocating for the safety and acceptance of LGBTQI+ individuals globally, particularly in regions where they face significant risks. It is a calling born out of his own story of overcoming oppression as a gay man and witnessing the heartbreaking assault on LGBTQ people in repressive areas of the world. At Harvard, Garcia Blum’s efforts have centered on driving social change through policy, impactful research, political engagement, storytelling, community organizing, coalition-building, and developing training programs for advocates.

Learn more about the Office of DEI

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